Welcome to the New and IMPROVED My Light Magazine. There is so much to read and do here. From
stories, Bible Stories, saints and puzzles to crafts, prayers, the Catechism,
and the Missal, you will be sure to arm yourself with knowledge about the Church and your faith.
I’m proud of one of our newest features God's Amazing World.
In Genesis 1:3, it says “Then God said: ‘Let there be light.’” This was the creation of the world. All of God’s
creation is a beautiful miracle. In God’s Amazing World, we explore God’s
creation and science. We learn how science helps us understand the way God’s
amazing world works.
Another favorite thing of mine is the Rosary craft on our
Crafts page. With help from a grown-up, you can make your very own knotted
Rosary. They make great gifts and they spread Mother Mary’s message of praying
the Rosary. When you are finished making your Rosary, take it to church on
Sunday and ask your priest to bless it for you. I’m sure he would love to.
Our Bible stories will continue, but they are a little
different. We will have a Bible story
prepared by an author and then the original Bible verses under the story. I
strongly urge you to read the verses as well. Get to know God’s voice by
reading His words.
The best new thing about My Light is that we will get to
hear more from YOU, our readers. We have a special Children’s Submissions page. Send us your Catholic poem, story, prayer, ideas, comments, etc and it
could be featured in My Light. This is great practice for anyone who loves to
write. Be sure to have Mom and Dad’s permission and let them help you follow
our Children’s Guidelines.